Friday, January 22, 2016

Project 1 - Element 2, 3, 4

Element 2

Element 2 derives from the repeated geometries that are present in the many scenes of The Fountain. Using Photoshop, I created a collage of these images by overlapping. Each of the images used has a centrally located vanishing point and projects radially outward from that point. A grid was created with this knowledge to map out spatial interactions created by the layering of similar geometries. Though there were many angles that derived from this central vanishing point an orthogonal method of construction was used to define where these angles exist.

Element 3

               The main concept behind this construct is the idea of conceal. The scenes selected to create the Photoshop image all incorporate the act of concealing the character in a very specific manner. The first, a scene where Tommy shown by peering into the frosted glass of the hospital room where his wife lays, another, the Mayan queen awaits the conquistador at her throne concealed by a patterned steel gate, and the third scene the contour of a demonic presence awaits the conquistador in his final battle upon the holy mountain.
All of these individual scenes are parallel edited together to arrive at the climax of the movie (Izzy’s death). By layering images from these scenes in Photoshop I was able to find points of intersection derived from the depth of tone of each image possesses. The highlighted points of intersection were then transposed into physical nodes on the drawdel. These nodes allow for an intertwining of yarn to weave about layer to layer. The yarn is used as a method to define connections within layers that exist at parallel points along the same axis.

Element 4

               In researching The Fountain it was made clear that the director used many microorganisms to graphically portray images of outer space. With a juxtaposition of tectonic linear elements and planar paper elements this drawdel was constructed with the intent to map out the contrast between two key themes within the movie: space and microorganisms. Deriving from the drawing in Element 1, Element 4’s orientation arrives from the same mapping. The angles that extend from the central vanishing point are emphasized with this drawing as opposed to implied. Linear elements are constructed orthogonally with the angles points of intersections as mapped by the drawing. In juxtaposition to this paper elements are folded and connected to the linear elements to show the relationship connecting and also separating the two. 
One storyline portrays Tommy as a doctor who works at the molecular level to cure disease. While in the other storyline, Tommy is depicted as a resident of outer space. If we further investigate the connection between space and microorganism and the method for which the director filmed these two very different scenes can we suggest the connection between the two? Is it safe to imply that since films images of space derive from actual microorganisms, can we suggest that rather than Tommy ascending to a greater outer reality he is alternatively ascending into the higher being within? This is the investigation behind Element 4.

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